Meister Scale 1/5th P-47 Thunderbolt
- SCALE: 1/5th
- LENGTH: 85"
- WINGSPAN: 102 inches
- WING AREA: 1900 sq/in.
- WEIGHT: 38 – 45 lbs.
- WING LOADING: 46.5 – 55 oz/sq ft
- ENGINE REQD: 4.2 cu/in engine or greater
- RADIO REQD: Minimum of 8 channel +
with 8 servos (will vary)
- CG - 6" from the LE
Kit Options
All kits are cut to order. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery
- Plans - $75.00 US + shipping
Deluxe Short Kit (wood only) -- $625.00 US + shipping
(The short kit contains all the formers, ribs and any round parts lasercut)
- Full Kit (wood only) - $850.00 US + shipping
(The Full kit contains all the formers, ribs and any round
parts lasercut. Also includes the majority of the wood
needed to complete the kit. Sheeting and stringers included.
NOTE: Some parts may not be fully laser cut, instead be
laser engraved due to thickness. Reason being is those
thick parts may cause fire upon lasercutting)
Fiberglass Fuse only -- $510.00 US+shipping
Here is the return of our P-47 fuse. Better than ever!
Key updates:
- Panel lines, vents and detail included
- Virtually pinhole free
- New stronger firewall section
- Tail section includes horizontal stab marking for easy install
- Lasercut formers all included
- Belly pan included
- fuselage radiator doors included
Fiberglass Fuselage and Wood Wing & Tail Kit -- $740.00 US plus S&H
(includes all sheeting and straight stock)