Enlarged Meister FW 190A
Builder: Luke Cullen of Queensland Australia
Engine is a DA 100 with a custom scale exhaust, JR receivers x 2, 2 4800 lithium main batteries with regulators,
2400 lithium for the ignition, 2 x Hitec 5945 for flaps, 2 x Hitec 945 for ailerons, 2 x Hitec 5645 on elevator,
Hitec 945 on rudder and JR digitals on smoke, throttle and retracts. The model is painted in Debeers base coat
and 2 stage clear. All the detail work is done with an airbrush and the insignias are all painted. The model weighs
65 pounds and flys really scale. At half flap it lands really slow. The test flight was done on a 30 kilometer wind
and made no difference. It is very stable and looks great!